Great tool for creating automatic backups to cloud storage such as Google Drive, Amazon S3, Rackspace, … and works also with FTP and SSH.

This tools allows you to create backup or restore from backup that you have created on remote storage and enables scheduling, by default the smallest interval for backup once a day, user may adjust a lot of settings for example full vs. incremental, how long to keep incremental and when to replace them with full backup.

This application is great because it is free, works on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and supports Google Drive.

The downsides I have found is that it is little unreliable running in VirtualBox Windows 7 64 machine with default installation settings, VM would get unresponsive and little bit frozen from time to time after installing and running Duplicati and VM starts to behave OK up on uninstalling the application. Another downside is that it allows you do store only to root directory of Google Drive, I like to keep my stuff well organized and this application did not allow me to backup into nested subdirectory. Application lacks a good verbose explanation of what went wrong, its buggy but free and only of it’s kind.

You can find more about Duplicati on